Cube world chocolate cake
Cube world chocolate cake

cube world chocolate cake

If you find a bug: please, send me letter to with a description of the bug. VMM have a lot of functions, such as database integration and more(see screenshots, please, and incomplete features list).ġ)database integration(insert,export,refresh)Ģ)editing,creating models that not located in the databaseĤ)two types of program control: the MOUSE or WASD-SPACE-CTRLĥ)editing mode: (a) add/remove voxels (b) coloring voxels (c) color change(like fill tool at paint)Ħ)change window size and position, change toggles in menu "options", change wireframe color and background color - programm will store this info.ħ)more toggles(model size, centers of loaded and changed models, black frame(show us position for the future block))Ĩ)copy/paste/delete/fill the model area.(that is so specific functions, you may see more info there.ĩ)convert. added search engine for models(see 1-2 screenshots) some logical changes with search-interface i am sorry, but i forgot to do something in previous version of VMM:Ĭritical bug fixed: impossibility to save/load/export/import/editing models in DB in case you filtered models by searching. fixed bug: window was shifted below than necessary. all functions have hotkeys now(you can see the functions hotkeys across the functions in the menu) new mechanic of work of "copy voxel color" tool's. four type of cursors: add/remove cursor, "fill" tool cursor, "brush" tool cursor, "copy voxel color" tool cursor

cube world chocolate cake

cursor for brush tool was redrawn, because it was very big. bug fixed: when user exporting/importing/saving/loading models,opening DB or coverting BMP to editor format the settings(windows size,position,toggled functions etc) will not be saved. bug fixed: when user exporting/importing/saving/loading models,opening DB or coverting BMP to editor format the mouse cursor becomes invisible. new function: configurable camera position Press F11 to show FPS(disable vertical synchronization in options to see the real FPS). fixed the critical bug that can disappear the cursor and functions that show file/folder dialog can not work. (d) some grammatical changes in interface. In the Cube World, color(R:0 G:0 B:0) is air cube. (c) if you choose black color(R:0 G:0 B:0) in Color Window, editor automaticly transform choosed color to black color(R:1 G:0 B:0). (b) now, if you click in finding window, collocation "find model." will removed from window. (a) color window position will be fixate much better. Thus The Minecraft In Cube World Project. Now I know that a lot of people don't really like the idea of adding some Minecraft elements into Cube World.īut I just love the idea of sticking parts a game into another. Hello, I'm SkyMusketeer and this is my Minecraft in Cube World model pack project.

cube world chocolate cake

I attend school so it will take longer for me to upload models.īut I'm still making models's Minecraft in Cube World Model Pack

Cube world chocolate cake